Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Cleaning & lubing the chain

Ok, the discussions on the internet about how we should clean the chain give and take. Especially the use of WD40 is critisized by many people.

But in lack of a better option, here's what I personally decided to do:

1) Spray some WD40 on a soft cloth and scrub the chain with this cloth until it looks like new.

2) Wipe the chain again with a new soft cloth to remove as much from the WD40 residue from the chain

3) Spray chain lube. Do not overdo it. Too much of it will just make a mess and sling off. I use Motorex chain lube. Spray the inside of the chain, not the outside for more effective use. Do this after a few hundred miles or when the bike is washed/riden in the rain.